Unofficial Launch Party

Published: 2015-04-03
Updated: 2024-04-16

I am pleased to announce the unofficial launch of Note, it is the unofficial launch in case we can have a better party with an official opening. Here is a nice picture of Augusta and I enjoying the festivities.

So what are we celebrating? Well dataonlygreater is the new conduit for me, Mathew Topper, (find out more about me here to express my most geeky thoughts (both personal and professional) and share some of the stuff I have been working on, in some ways for the greater good, i.e. open source code.

Currently, the content here is mostly a collection of other work that was still available on the web (, or are beyond my control or closed (, The wordpress blogs I will be shutting down as repeated content is bad and the inability to access the other stuff was one of my primary reasons for doing this anyway.

I should say that none of this would have been possible without the amazing piece of software that is Jekyll. Its a great system that I thoroughly recommend you try. I must also thank @mdo for developing Hyde and Joshua Lande for showing me the way. This template is the backbone of the site you see before you. There are also many little concepts and styles that I have pinched from places across the web, so thanks for sharing!

Well, that’s it. Hopefully I will be adding more content on a regular basis and improving what is already here. And, if you’re here looking for the University of Edinburgh Thesis template, don’t worry the page you need is here. Thanks for popping by!
